About Us

We Started With Our Belief That The Nature Of The Archipelago And Everything Within Is Gods Gift For The Next Generation

Getting On Rekam Nusantara

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At A Glance

Rekam Nusantara Foundation is an organisation that conducts studies on natural richness and biodiversity as well as conservation efforts in Indonesia’s archipelago. This information is then disseminated to the general public through creative media to promote the better understanding on issues relating to environmental, cultural, and natural resources sustainability, as well as indigenous peoples and climate change.

Since 2013, Rekam Nusantara Foundation has collaborated with various stakeholders, including central (ministries/non-ministerial state bodies) and local governments, as well as national and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

The foundation was established by experts and professionals with years of expertise in respective disciplines.

Current organization structure


Document the natural dynamics in Indonesia’s archipelago and shape the country’s brighter future


Deliver narratives to get to know Indonesia through the latest evidence-based knowledge


Conduct research, compile and disseminate information about Indonesia’s natural and cultural richness through production of audiovisual content, texts, visual designs, and graphics to communicate with the general public and raise their awareness.

Irfan Yulianto

Chairperson of the Foundation

Irfan Yulianto is a Marine and Fishery Sciences specialist. His career journey began when he worked...

Irfan Yuliantoo

Chairperson of the Foundation

Irfan Yulianto is a Marine and Fishery Sciences specialist. His career journey began when he worked as an assistant lecturer for Scientific Diving, Marine Biology, and Oceanography. Irfan chose his career in marine and fishery, bringing him closer to his works in Indonesian marine and fishery. He conducted various research and publications on marine and fishery issues. 

Irfan is currently an active lecturer in the Department of Fisheries Resources Use, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University. He is also the Senior Manager of Marine Conservation and National Policy, Wildlife Conservation Society Indonesia Programme.

He believes that Indonesia, with its abundance of natural potential and proper management, will be able to compete with other countries in the world.

Wahyu Mulyono

Director for Operations

Wahyu Mulyono, also known as Wakmul, is a documentary enthusiast who began his career as a journalis...

Wahyu Mulyonoo

Director for Operations

Wahyu Mulyono, also known as Wakmul, is a documentary enthusiast who began his career as a journalist in 1999.

With his expertise, this Yogyakarta-born man once led the documentary division in one of Indonesia’s national media. His documentary had been nominated and won awards, thanks to his hard work. He is now working on #DocuCamp filmmaking and programmes in Rekam Nusantara Foundation.

Yoki Hadiprakarsa

Director for Forest Program

Yokyok Hadiprakarsa, known as Yoki, boasts over two decades of experience in wildlife research and c...

Yoki Hadiprakarsao

Director for Forest Program

Yokyok Hadiprakarsa, known as Yoki, boasts over two decades of experience in wildlife research and conservation locally and internationally. His primary areas of expertise are hornbill ecology and wildlife management in multifunctional landscapes supported by his tech savviness and quantitative mind. His passion for wildlife stems from his childhood, and he has established himself as a trailblazer in the field. Yoki is a founding member of Rekam Nusantara and the founder and leader of the Rangkong Indonesia team,  driving significant strides in hornbill conservation in Indonesia.

Een Irawan Putra

Director for Urban and Sustainability Program

Een Irawan Putra is a co-founder of Rekam Nusantara Foundation. The Bengkulu-born gentleman is highl...

Een Irawan Putrao

Director for Urban and Sustainability Program

Een Irawan Putra is a co-founder of Rekam Nusantara Foundation. The Bengkulu-born gentleman is highly concerned with environmental, forestry, and indigenous peoples issues. He became interested in these issues while studying at IPB University’s Faculty of Forestry and joining the hiking club, Lawalata IPB. After graduating from IPB University in 2004, He immediately chose to work in a non-governmental institution and went to the field. Travel around Indonesia to investigate environmental and forestry crimes, research, write, and make documentary videos for the benefit of education and campaigns to save Indonesia's natural resources. Not only in Indonesia, He also traveled to several countries in Asia, Europe and America. For him, there is no compromise for the perpetrators of crime and destroyers of Indonesia's nature. When He founded Rekam Nusantara in 2013, He was asked by the founders of the foundation to lead Rekam Nusantara.

Departing from his love for the river, since 2009 He has been active in the Ciliwung Caring Community in Bogor City which he thinks is a real contribution to the environment. In 2018 together with the Mayor of Bogor Bima Arya Sugiarto he formed the Task Force (SATGAS) for the Naturalization of the Ciliwung River, Bogor City.

Malvin Adi Noegroho

Director for Creative Communication Program

Malvin Adinoegroho joined INFIS in September 2017. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marine Scie...

Malvin Adi Noegrohoo

Director for Creative Communication Program

Malvin Adinoegroho joined INFIS in September 2017. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and Technology from IPB University. Born and raised in Jakarta, he is now the Director for Creative Communication.  

The self-proclaimed introvert is currently working on a number of projects, including Jakarta MRT, PSC (Plastic Smart Cities), and Samdhana. While working at INFIS, he holds a keen interest in film editing, believing that it dictates how a story is narrated. 

This Geminian also loves to watch films. Before joining INFIS, he worked in a production house in Tebet, Jakarta. In the future, he hopes that INFIS documentaries will reach the wider audience, especially the youth, so as to inspire them.

Heidi Retnonigtyas

Director for Ocean Program

Heidi Retnoningtyas, or affectionately known as Tyas, has become a part of the Fisheries Resources C...

Heidi Retnonigtyaso

Director for Ocean Program

Heidi Retnoningtyas, or affectionately known as Tyas, has become a part of the Fisheries Resources Center of Indonesia (FRCI) program as the Project Leader for IKAN. IKAN is an initiative for the collection and management of data on catches from various groups of resources, namely demersal fish (snappers, groupers, and emperors), crabs, and sharks. Data collection is carried out through the IKAN application and involves enumerators scattered in fish landing locations, such as Pati (Central Java), North Lombok (NTB), and Pangkajene Kepulauan (South Sulawesi). In addition to her experience in fisheries management projects/initiatives, Tyas also has the capacity to network and establish relations with various parties, including the central government, local government, researchers, and academics. Through the IKAN program, various parties can actively engage in supporting the data collection of fisheries resources in Indonesia, both as contributors and users of the data. Tyas obtained a master's degree in Marine Science from IPB University and a doctoral degree from the University of Rostock, Germany, through the DAAD Research Grants - Doctoral Programmes in Germany scholarship scheme.


Finance Manager

Neni joined Rekam Nusantara Foundation on 1 November 2015. She currently works as a finance staff. F...


Finance Manager

Neni joined Rekam Nusantara Foundation on 1 November 2015. She currently works as a finance staff. Financial management is her passion, which is no surprise since she majored in accounting at Pakuan University.

She admits that she prefers working in a quieter environment to concentrate better. She enjoys hunting for the best deals on household essentials, in addition to reading and eating spicy foods.

Neni is responsible for reviewing Rekam Nusantara’s financial statements. Prior to joining Rekam Nusantara Foundation, Neni also worked in various non-profit organisations, including Kaoem Telapak, Sajogyo Institute, and the Association of Indigenous Women of the Archipelago (PEREMPUAN AMAN). Neni hopes to make a significant contribution to Rekam Nusantara Foundation and witness the organisation’s bright future.

Riki Rahmansyah

Rangkong Indonesia Manager

One of the conservationists, a graduate of the Forestry Department at the University of Bengkulu, wh...

Riki Rahmansyaho

Rangkong Indonesia Manager

One of the conservationists, a graduate of the Forestry Department at the University of Bengkulu, who enjoys observing wildlife. He completed his final project by researching large mammals in the former HPK Seblat, PLG HPKh. He began to develop an interest in observing birds in 2014 and became one of the contributors to the Asian Waterbird Census for the Bengkulu region until 2018. He has also been involved in bird research on Enggano Island with LIPI. He joined Rangkong Indonesia, one of the conservation units of Rekam Nusantara in the Kapuas Hulu Nature Reserve, West Kalimantan.

Faizal Abdul Aziz

INFIS Manager

Faizal Abdul Azis joined INFIS in 2013. Since childhood, he has been fascinated by everything relate...

Faizal Abdul Azizo

INFIS Manager

Faizal Abdul Azis joined INFIS in 2013. Since childhood, he has been fascinated by everything related to nature. His childhood entertainment consisted of watching wildlife documentaries on Discovery Channel. This interest continued as he progressed through middle school and high school, where he participated in extracurricular activities related to nature. Driven by this passion, after completing high school, he pursued a degree in Biology at IPB University. Eventually, he became part of INFIS, where he serves as a videographer. His responsibilities include directing films, operating cameras, editing, and even piloting drones. In addition to working on various other INFIS projects, he is also busy with the Leuser Film project. Faizal finds great value in his work at INFIS, especially during location shoots. Through these journeys to different areas, he gains new insights and interacts with experts. Moreover, he has the opportunity to document the fascinating wildlife, leaving him in awe. His ultimate aspiration is to become a filmmaker who creates globally acclaimed works.

Irwan Setiadi

Communication Manager

Irwan Setiadi has joined Rekam Nusantara Foundation since 2019. His interest in exploring environmen...

Irwan Setiadio

Communication Manager

Irwan Setiadi has joined Rekam Nusantara Foundation since 2019. His interest in exploring environmental issues occurred when he was still in college. He has worked in a community cooperative at a developer that has a green housing vision in 2018. At that time, the position he held was marketing communication staff. His interest also made him join the communication team at Rekam Nusantara.

Irwan admitted that he has an open personality and likes to network with many people. The man who enjoys adventure, is a graduate of Communication Management Science at the Institute of Social and Political Sciences (IISIP) Jakarta. His educational background also made him accustomed to thinking about various campaign ideas to make people aware of environmental issues.At Rekam, he is in charge of environmentally conscious campaign strategies through digital mediums including social media. He hopes that Rekam Nusantara can always grow and have many studies that are beneficial to the wider community.

Efin Muttaqin

FRCI Manager

Born in Garut on 31 August 1982, Efin completed his bachelor degree in the Department of Marine Scie...

Efin Muttaqino

FRCI Manager

Born in Garut on 31 August 1982, Efin completed his bachelor degree in the Department of Marine Science of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University. He continued his graduate degree in the Department of Coastal Resource and Small Island Management, IPB University. Efin has had over 15 years of experience in marine conservation, specifically in developing effective management for national parks, taking Karimunjawa and Taka Bonerate National Park as project implementation sites. He is a diver with a dive master certificate from the International Scuba School. Efin specializes in conducting monitoring for coral reef ecosystems, coral bleaching surveys, and was involved in several coral reef ecosystem surveys in many areas in Indonesia.

In the past seven years, Efin has been immersed in conservation issues focusing specifically on sharks and rays. He helped the Indonesian government in supporting sharks and rays conservation policies, pushed for sharks and rays conservation efforts, and supported the Indonesian government in the international conventions, i.e., Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), CITES, and IUCN.

Annisya Rosdiana

FRCI Manager

Annisya Rosdiana, or Anyes, received her undergraduate and master degree in Marine Science from IPB...

Annisya Rosdianao

FRCI Manager

Annisya Rosdiana, or Anyes, received her undergraduate and master degree in Marine Science from IPB University. She has been actively contributing in many initiatives related to marine and fisheries since 2013, including the development of marine debris action plan, studies on climate change vulnerability, and studies on socio-economic development in coastal regions. In 2019, Anyes joined an international NGO working on the designation and management of 29 conservation areas. She took part in supporting the development of pelagic protected areas, the development of evaluation tools for marine protected areas (MPAs), and conducted institutional assessment for conservation areas. She was promoted as a Fisheries Coordinator in the same organization in 2020 to manage fisheries management program, including to supervise the compilation and implementation of fisheries management planning and harvest strategy at national level and provincial level, as well as developing and implementing the Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP). Anyes joined FRCI in 2021 as a Project Leader in implementing Ocean Accounts Pilot in Indonesia to support the national program for sustainable fisheries and conservation areas.

Oktavianto Prastyo

FRCI Manager

Born in Madiun in 1990, Oktavianto completed his bachelor at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sci...

Oktavianto Prastyoo

FRCI Manager

Born in Madiun in 1990, Oktavianto completed his bachelor at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science in 2012 and master degree in 2016 at the IPB University. He joined FRCI in March 2021 as a Project Leader in program implementation in Central Java. Prior to joining FRCI, Oktavianto has been involved in sustainable fisheries programs, conservation areas, and facilitation for the coastal community for over seven years. He developed fishery management programs and conservation for Wedgefish and Giant Guitarfish in the northern coast of Java, particularly in Central Java, through collaboration with the provincial government through the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Central the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of Diponegoro University.

Intan Destianis Hartati

FRCI Manager

Intan Destianis Hartati has been working in the field of conservation since 2017 as a Fisheries Scie...

Intan Destianis Hartatio

FRCI Manager

Intan Destianis Hartati has been working in the field of conservation since 2017 as a Fisheries Science and Database Officer. In her career, Intan is responsible for controlling and managing fisheries database systems and conducting analysis on fish stock conditions using statistical software such as RStudio. With her expertise in identifying coral reef and demersal fish species, Intan has also contributed to the writing of the book "Kerapu di Indonesia / Groupers in Indonesia". In 2023, Intan joined the Fisheries Resource Center of Indonesia (FRCI) as a Senior Officer for Sustainable Fisheries and Conservation. In this role, Intan is responsible for managing sustainable fisheries and marine protected areas. Additionally, Intan is involved in supporting the implementation of the Pilot Projects of Ocean Accounts Indonesia.

Intan received her bachelor's degree in Marine Science and Technology from IPB University. During her college years, Intan was actively involved in a diving organization and holds an Advanced Scuba Diver license. She also participated in several coral reef ecosystem monitoring activities and volunteered in various conservation and environmental initiatives.

Dewi Pudiawati

Finance Staff

Dewi Pudiawati was born in Bogor, 1st December 1986. She is a travel lover who joined Rekam Nusantar...

Dewi Pudiawatio

Finance Staff

Dewi Pudiawati was born in Bogor, 1st December 1986. She is a travel lover who joined Rekam Nusantara in 2013 as a finance staff. She is responsible for inputting data on the organisation’s finance and journal voucher on Accurate Online, as well as donor reports and others. 

Before joining Rekam Media Foundation, Dewi worked at Kaoem Telapak’s business unit (PT Poros Nusantara Media), where she was in charge of managing financial data. 

The youngest of five, she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting Management at Indonesia Open University. 

Aside from traveling, she enjoys playing Mobile Legend and watching movies. She loves all aspects of finance and believes that dealing with money allows her to be more meticulous and detailed.

She hopes that Rekam Nusantara will continue to thrive and improve the workers’ well-beings. Her life motto is to just go with the flow.

Bernita Sumardja

Senior Financial Staff

Bernita Sumardja joined Rekam Nusantara Foundation in January 2018. Graduated from Trisakti Universi...

Bernita Sumardjao

Senior Financial Staff

Bernita Sumardja joined Rekam Nusantara Foundation in January 2018. Graduated from Trisakti University’s Environmental Engineering programme, she has worked in the banking industry for many years. She works as an administrative staff at Rekam Nusantara Foundation, where she is in charge of various secretariat reports, projects, payroll, Employee Social Security (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) programme, and monthly office expenses. 

As an Aquarian woman, she likes travelling, shopping, and discovering culinary, and hopes that Rekam Nusantara Foundation will continue to grow and secure many projects. She lives by the motto “go with the flow” and hopes all workers in the Foundation will continue to improve their well-beings.

Aulia Nurahman

Footage Curator

Aulia joined Rekam Nusantara Foundation in 2015 and now works as a database and general affairs staf...

Aulia Nurahmano

Footage Curator

Aulia joined Rekam Nusantara Foundation in 2015 and now works as a database and general affairs staff. He completed his high school and undergraduate education in Bandung. He values discipline and order, both at home and at work. He likes watching movies or series in his free time. This Geminian hopes he will always be able to deliver the best work for the foundation.

Rizki Rukyanti

Communication Staff

Rizki Rukyanti (Kiki) is a member of Rekam Nusantara Foundation communication team, where she manage...

Rizki Rukyantio

Communication Staff

Rizki Rukyanti (Kiki) is a member of Rekam Nusantara Foundation communication team, where she manages the unit of Rangkong Indonesia social media content, and assists with campaign activities. Having been working at Rekam Nusantara Foundation for three years, she began as a voluntary hornbill researcher in West Kalimantan, then served as a video-editing intern at INFIS before becoming a research and monitoring staff on development of environmental sanitation facilities, and now handles social media.

Kiki is now pursuing a degree in communication at Indonesia Open University. She formerly majored in Environmental Engineering and Management at IPB University Vocational School. As a Gemini girl, she enjoys not only traveling and capturing moments through photographs and videos, but also spicy foods and fried chicken.
Kiki loves her current role because it allows her to share her knowledge of hornbills with the community. She wants to connect with hornbill enthusiasts and even other conservationists.
Kiki hopes that Rekam Nusantara Foundation will maintain its spirit and continue to promote and raise awareness of the environment and humanity.

Pandu Wijaya


He started out his career by creating illustrations on forest management and rare bird species in In...

Pandu Wijayao


He started out his career by creating illustrations on forest management and rare bird species in Indonesia before joining Rekam Nusantara Foundation.

Pandu is an accomplished illustrator who loves daydreaming and portraying his reveries through sketches or drawings, which has earned him the position of a senior illustrator and animator at Rekam Nusantara Foundation.

He has been a part of Rekam Nusantara Foundation for around five years. His works occupied the visual space of organisation’s social media and printed campaign materials.

He aspires to open an animation studio and create animated series on the environment and natural beauty of Indonesia.

Masud Wijaya

Graphic Designer

Masud Wijaya joined in 2017 and focused on working with graphic designs. With more than 10 years...

Masud Wijayao

Graphic Designer

Masud Wijaya joined in 2017 and focused on working with graphic designs.

With more than 10 years of experience as a Graphic Designer, Masud has created lots of visual works for Rekam Nusantara Foundation.

He is also adept at operating various graphic design platforms to translate complex communication messages into easily understandable graphic visuals. As a real Taurian, he is very humorous and loyal.

Other than graphic design, he is interested in many other areas, including 3D designs and animations.

His previous work experience helps him see the nature from different perspectives. For example, while working at the Directorate of Use of Conservation Forest Environmental Services, he had an opportunity to visit half of all of Indonesia’s national parks which turned out to have high natural resources and biodiversity. He keeps this as a highly valuable experience.

He will always have a positive aspiration while working at Rekam Nusantara, which is to create works that are beneficial to all.