Environmental Dialogue: Building an Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Bogor City

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Bogor (10/11)—Trash and Green Open Space (RTH) have become a major polemic in human life, not especially for the people of Bogor City, in a dialogue held by the Rekam Nusantara Foundation with candidates for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bogor—Rayendra and Eka Maulana, conveyed their plans to make Bogor a greener, cleaner and more sustainable city.

The issue of waste management is the main focus. According to Dr. Rayendra, one effective solution is through a "waste bank" which can generate economic value. Apart from that, this pair of candidates plans to establish recycling centers in each sub-district so that people are more responsible in sorting organic and inorganic waste. Educational programs will also be promoted so that residents are aware of the importance of waste processing and can reduce waste transportation costs.

On the other hand, Green Open Space (RTH) in Bogor is still very minimal. Therefore, they plan to revive the movement "one person one tree" to add trees and green the city. In fact, small forests will be built at various points to reduce air pollution. This is also in line with the aim of reducing plastic pollution through the system of reward and punishment for people who keep the environment clean.

In the transportation aspect, Rayendra and Eka proposed switching fuel-fueled public transportation to electric public transportation, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Public facilities such as sidewalks and areas around the Bogor Botanical Gardens will also be improved for pedestrian comfort.

Overall, their vision is to create a sustainable Bogor with strong synergy between government and society. This initiative is expected to create a healthier environment and better quality of life for Bogor residents.

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