Announcement of Tender Winners

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No. 283/SPB/YRJAN/IX/2023


Based on the decision of the Goods Procurement Team meeting of the Rekam Trace Alam Nusantara Foundation in terms of the time of sending the bid proposal, price, stock and completeness of the proposal, for the procurement of 1 unit of New Suzuki Carry PU FD PS 2023 pickup truck, the Rekam Trace Alam Nusantara Foundation was appointed as the Executor. The procurement of goods is:



PT. Dwi Perkasa Mobiltama



Jl. Soleh Iskandar No,71 RT.004 RW.005, Kelurahan Cibadak, Tanah Sareal, Bogor

Total Price


Rp. 139.500.000,-


Thus the notification of the winner of this tender was conveyed, and for participants who did not get the opportunity, the Nusantara Nature Tracks Foundation would like to thank them for all their participation.



Bogor, 18 September 2023


Een Irawan Putra

executive director

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