MRF 3R Mekarwangi was built from October 2022 to January 2023. In August 2023 MRF 3R Mekarwangi began operating with a total of 10 workers. MRF 3R Mekarwangi will be launched on October 22 2023.
MRF 3R Mekarwangi is a new development of MRF 3R which is different from other MRF 3R. MRF 3R Mekarwangi was created to be a place that produces products from segregated inorganic waste. Starting from 12 priority RTs, 48 priority RTs were added so that the total priority RTs are now 60 priority RTs.
MRF 3R Mekarwangi was built because there had been a change in behavior and sorting of waste from its source, so MRF 3R Mekarwangi was built to convert waste into final products thereby increasing economic value.
"MRF 3R Mekarwangi operations manage rejected waste into a product using machines from friends of Pledge Sampah," said Fachroji Supervisor of MRF 3R Mekarwangi.
Waste sorting in the community is accompanied by the Bogor City Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force. The Bogor City Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force has been in existence since October 2018 and began with a discussion between the Secretary of the Bogor City Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force and the Director of Nusantara Foundation Records, Een Irawan Putra, with Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto about how the second term of Bogor Mayor could address the Ciliwung River and waste problems seriously.
The task force is tasked with educating the community, providing outreach by carrying out Ciliwung patrols, and providing solutions to the waste problems faced by the community. This task aims to map the potential and problems in the area through which the Ciliwung River flows, encourage changes in community behavior along the riverbanks to support the sustainability of the Ciliwung River, and encourage the creation of a Ciliwung River that is clean and free of rubbish.
"We are trying to design a program for the Ciliwung Task Force to map the areas and sources of the problem," said Een.
The Bogor City Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force, Rekam Nusantara, the Bogor City Environmental Service, and the Bogor City Regional Government support reducing plastic waste into nature through the implementation of the Plastic Smart Cities (PSC) program. PSC is an initiative created by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) which has a mission to inspire and encourage cities and coastal activity centers to stop releasing plastic waste into nature.
"How important is city leadership to make environmental saving programs a success in the context of plastic," said Aditya CEO of WWF Indonesia.
The pile of rubbish was channeled to MRF 3R Mekarwangi so that it could be processed into something useful and reusable. The city of Bogor has many MRF, but the ones that Rekam Nusantara and PSC are focusing on are only MRF 3R Mekarwangi and Bantar Kemang.
The machines used by MRF 3R Mekarwangi to produce products from low-value plastic waste come from Sumpah Sampah who collaborate with MRF 3R Mekarwangi.
This collaboration began because a third party informed us that MRF 3R Mekarwangi is a place that operates in the environmental sector and that Sumpah Sampah has the technology to produce a product from waste.
"Rekam Nusantara MRF 3R Mekarwangi focuses on the environment, but they don't have the technology yet," said Angga.
Sumpah Sampah has technology so it collaborates with MRF 3R Mekarwangi which can collect waste.
The creation of MRF 3R Mekarwangi is very positive because Mekarwangi is the only one in Indonesia with a role model like this. Where the community is provided with assistance on how to sort waste and then at MRF 3R Mekarwangi it is processed into a product.
"From waste that previously had no selling value in the community, after processing it, here it has a selling value and products such as rafters and wood can be bought and sold," said Angga.
Products made using machines will collaborate with PT. "Jauhar Hidro Mekatron to turn the product into an absorption well," he added.
This waste business is not only a matter of machines, but also about cooperation. The results of this machine will be purchased by PT Jauhar Hidro Mekatron and PT Rimba Makmur Utama.
Friday, 15 September 2023, MRF 3R Mekarwangi held an MoU signing between Een Irawan Putra from MRF 3R Mekarwangi and Taufik Hidayat from PT. Jauhar Hidro Mekatron to purchase products from MRF 3R Mekarwangi as the main material for making infiltration wells and a visit from WWF Norway Conservation Director Andrew Fitzgibbon.
Attended by WWF Indonesia CEO, CMT WWF Indonesia Program Director, WWF Indonesia Footprint Lead, Plastic Smart Cities Team, Main Director of PT. Jauhar Hidro Mekatron, Regional Secretary, Head of Bogor City Environmental Service, Executive Director of Rekam Nusantara Foundation, Rekam Nusantara Waste Management Team, Sumpah Sampah, and Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force.