Reflections on the Journey of the Ciliwung River Naturalization Task Force, Bogor City

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Four years ago, Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto formed the Ciliwung River Naturalization Task Force. It was formed to restore the condition of the 119 km river from various thorny problems. Garbage heaps, waste pollution, sedimentation and so on. In its journey, many achievements have been produced. Although some obstacles are also still encountered. What are the achievements and challenges it faces? 

Secretary of the Ciliwung River Naturalization Task Force, Een Irawan Putra, in a discussion event in Bogor on Tuesday (29/11/22) said that the initial formation of the Task Force began with a social movement initiated by the Ciliwung Caring Community (KPC). At that time, Een and several colleagues routinely invited residents to carry out garbage collection actions in the Ciliwung river, especially those in the Bogor City area. Originally, these activities were carried out once a week. 

The movement then continued to grow. Even so, he is well aware, restoring the condition of the Ciliwung River is not enough just to carry out garbage collection activities. There needs to be a collective consciousness of the various parties. Be it the public, private sector, government and others to jointly restore the Ciliwung River. 

"This task force is indeed a long journey. In the past, every week for many years we picked up garbage in ciliwung. But we realize that if we continue this way, it won't be effective. We study the process. Analyzing what is the best solution to do? It would be difficult to come up with a solution if it were only based on the theory of assumptions. It can't be the maximum. To restore the Ciliwung River in the past, the problem was that there was a clash of bureaucracies, the attention of leaders in the government was low. Also the behavior of many people who still throw garbage into the river. Many problems cannot only be solved in one aspect," he explained. 

On the other hand, sectoral egos among the Government are also still occurring. Various projects to restore the condition of the Ciliwung River are only based on the tupoksi, budget and authority of each institution which tends to be unsustainable. To sit together to bring ideas together, collaborate and get on the field in person is difficult. 

"There must be other ways to build a Joint movement and the initiation must be real. This is what Mr. Mayor responded well. Therefore, the Ciliwung River Naturalization Task Force was born," he said. Along the way, several good achievements have been achieved. The Task Force team actively educates people living around riverbanks to manage their waste wisely. 

Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto some time ago said that the education that continues to be carried out by the Ciliwung River Naturalization Task Force Team has produced good results. The most obvious thing is the reduction in garbage heaps. The water quality of the Ciliwung River is also getting clearer. On the other hand, the Task Force also continues to strive to find appropriate solutions to improve the governance of the Ciliwung River. 

"Most importantly the culture of the citizens is now better. More people are involved. It used to be only a handful of people." 

Bima claimed that the performance of the Ciliwung River Naturalization Task Force was able to reduce the stockpile of plastic waste by 500 kilograms per day. The garbage stockpile point along the river was also reduced by 70%. 

"The achievements that have been achieved need to continue to be improved. We have to be prepared. Considering that the term of office of the Mayor of Bogor is about to end. I hope that even though there will be a new Mayor, the activities that have been carried out by this Task Force can continue," said Een. 

Therefore, Een encouraged the Task Force's activities to run more independently. Not only relying on financing sourced from the APBD. Several strategic steps to encourage that, have also been taken. Through the Plastic Smart Cities (PSC) program, the collaboration between the Ciliwung River Naturalization Task Force in Bogor City and the movement initiated by WWF is well established. Some of the collaborations that have been established include the construction of TPS3R Mekarwangi, the revitalization of several TPS3R and others. 

On the other hand, some obstacles are also still encountered. The dynamics between the members of the Task Force, the ineffectiveness of communication with residents in awareness efforts, are still occurring. Een said that must be addressed immediately.  

"I asked my friends to understand the problems in their area. Mapping out the actors that are in his territory. I understand there will definitely be a growing dynamic in society. Some are bored, reluctant and miscellaneous. The friends of the Task Force also have different educational backgrounds, work and experiences. So it's not easy. But it has to be worked on," he said. 

Een said that the Task Force must also continue to come up with innovations to support the naturalization efforts of the Ciliwung River. Can't just work on flat things, just a normal routine. Like a movie, there must be a climax point. In a sense, the Task Force's performance graph should continue to rise. 

"I hope that the performance of the Task Force will continue to rise, the achievements of the mission will be successful. That's what we have to think about. That's why I hope that from today we think about the next two years what we can improve, so that there is a good legacy." He emphasized that the performance that has been built and running until now must be done with heart. So as to bring satisfaction to all parties, especially to the people involved in the Ciliwung River Naturalization Task Force team. 

"There are indeed leaders who have difficulty communicating with residents. There are also still members who are still reluctant. This we have to deal with. What is being done by us right now must have repercussions. Changing the behavior of residents in the Ciliwung river. Now it is good and still continues to be improved. But it can't be slow, it has to be fast," he said.  

Especially with the cooperation that has been established with the PSC, continued Een, it is an excellent opportunity to support the performance of the Task Force. Not only building some infrastructure to process waste so that it does not enter the Ciliwung River body.  

The collaboration can also increase the capacity of Task Force members through several trainings carried out. "The obstacles that exist are actually not big. We can control it. I'm optimistic about the road. Cooperation with PSC is a great opportunity. It's just a matter of whether the Task Force friends want to take it or not. It's an opportunity that won't come twice," he said. Through the cooperation in the development of several waste processing infrastructures, Een said, it can simultaneously support the circular concept of the economy. There are business opportunities that can later be utilized for the operation of the Ciliwung River Naturalization Task Force. If this is implemented properly, in the future he believes that the Task Force can be independent and not rely on funding from the APBD. 

"Now we are building TPS3R in Mekarwangi. Then there is TPS3R which will be revitalized in Bantar Kemang. Then also the plan to build TPS3R in Warung Jambu. I want the Task Force team to learn circular economics. The opportunity and potential is there. Support from the PSC must be strictly optimized. We have to think even further. Proving waste doesn't always have to be taken to landfill. Moreover, it was thrown into the river," he concluded.*** 

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