The problem of waste has now become a global issue of concern for a long time. Settlement of waste requires the cooperation of many parties. This cannot be done by the Bogor Environmental Service alone, but must involve participation from various sectors such as Lurah, Head of RT, Head of RW and Environmental Activists to encourage a change in Bogor City in terms of household waste management.
Currently, Bogor has only reduced waste by 24% with a target of 25% in 2025. Bogor City is the 8th best city because it can reduce waste by up to 20%. This income hopes that Bogor City can become a pilot at the national level.
To overcome the waste problem, Rekam Nusantara is collaborating with the Environment Agency and the Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force supported by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) through the Plastic Smart Cities (PSC) program to provide facilities and infrastructure to priority RTs (RT 01 to 08 RW 05 ) Bantar Kemang, Baranangsiang sub-district on Saturday (12/8/2023).
Facilities and infrastructure are physical facilities and infrastructure needed in an area to meet community needs and support regional development.
The handover of facilities and infrastructure was attended by Een Irawan Putra as Secretary of the Bogor City Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force and Denni Wismanto as Head of the Bogor Environmental Service.
Collaboration between Rekam Nusantara and the Environmental Service and the Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force to ensure that waste from the community is segregated before being transferred to TPST Bantar Kemang.
"With this TPS it is hoped that efforts to reduce waste and segregate waste at the source can work," said Denni.
"In addition to providing facilities and infrastructure, we hope that in the future there will be education for the community so that waste is sorted at the source so that when it enters TPS 3R, waste is already sorted and can be put to better use," added Denni.
So that the waste taken to the TPA is residual waste, it will reduce the volume of waste in the TPA by 30-40%.
"We are helping TPS 3R management in Bantar Kemang, where there are 13 RTs whose domestic waste is accommodated here with a total of around 1200 houses," said Een.
Een added, with the facilities and infrastructure it is hoped that in the future the waste that will be brought to TPS 3R Bantar Kemang will indeed be segregated, especially inorganic waste.
In sorting waste, each RT will be accompanied by 1 task force. In addition to the task force, RT and RW also assist residents in sorting waste. This sorting process is carried out in managing plastic waste, both high value and low value waste to be processed into a product that has economic value.
By providing facilities and infrastructure to priority RTs, the kelurahan administration appreciates the task force for the guidance given to the community regarding waste management. His party will also continue to make efforts to appeal and socialize to the public about waste management.
Waste that is managed or sorted from the Bantar Kemang TPST will be data collected to be submitted to the Bogor Environmental Service and supplied directly to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.
The Bantar Kemang TPST will run well or not not from the facilities and infrastructure in the priority RTs, but the main priority is seen from the performance of the system in the Bantar Kemang TPST. There are 27 polling stations in Bogor City that need support for facilities and infrastructure.
"Thank you for the trash bin assistance as one of the supports given to the community to reduce too much household waste going to landfills," said Zaki as Head of RT01/RW05.
With the help of facilities and infrastructure, it can make people aware to start sorting waste so they are aware of environmental cleanliness.
So far RW 5 is the liveliest RW in the Bantar Kemang area. What used to be a dirty place is now a beautiful and safe place to use for waste management.
By designing and implementing a well-thought-out plan and involving the community in the process, providing adequate facilities and infrastructure to priority RTs can have a positive and sustainable impact on the local community. Take care of the environment as best as possible to reduce the amount of waste that is wasted.***