Rekam Nusantara, a non-profit organization, and the Bogor City Environmental Service (DLH) have joined forces to manage two waste disposal sites: Mekarwangi and Bantar Kemang. This partnership, launched in 2021, aims to achieve the ambitious goal of eliminating plastic pollution by 2030 through the Plastic Smart Cities (PSC) program.
The initiative originated with the Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force, which guides residents near the Ciliwung River in responsible waste management. Collected waste is brought to the Bantar Kemang TPST (temporary storage facility) and the Mekarwangi TPS3R (treatment facility).
A recent site visit on December 12th, 2023, aimed to document the waste management process and the Task Force's efforts in educating and assisting residents with waste sorting. While complete sorting isn't yet achieved, awareness and knowledge are actively being improved.
Rekam Nusantara's Waste Management unit oversees operations at both Mekarwangi and Bantar Kemang. Waste from priority areas assisted by the Task Force undergoes further sorting at Bantar Kemang. Only properly sorted waste reaches Mekarwangi for 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) processing. This ensures organic, inorganic, and residual waste are separated and handled correctly.
Bantar Kemang focuses solely on sorting and transporting waste, while Mekarwangi implements the 3R principles. The site visit was attended by local and national media representatives, highlighting the project's transparency and the implemented model.
The initiative promises several benefits: improved waste management, reduced plastic pollution, promotion of a circular economy, and preventing waste from entering the environment and waterways.
The collaboration is based on a successful waste management model developed by stakeholders in Bogor City and has the potential to become policy, impacting larger areas.
However, the challenge of plastic waste remains significant. With rising population and consumption, plastic use is inevitable. While lightweight, it accumulates in large quantities. For example, 1 kg of instant noodle packaging consists of roughly 800 sheets, which can become environmental hazards if not managed properly.
The initiative emphasizes collective responsibility for plastic waste. Used plastic requires effective management, exemplified by the Task Force's assistance to priority areas. Waste sorting, proper management, and treatment are crucial to prevent environmental damage.
Neni Nuraeni, a resident, expressed her appreciation for the PSC program and her hope for more initiatives that generate income for the community. She also suggested training residents on processing plastic waste creatively, utilizing items like coffee grounds.
Residents Turn Waste into Valuable Products
Neni Nuraeni and Siti Salmah, residents of Bogor City, have found innovative ways to turn waste into valuable products. Neni uses coffee bean husks to create baskets, tissue holders, bags, and even mats. Siti, on the other hand, transforms organic waste into compost using biopore holes.
Collaborative Effort to Reduce Waste
The Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force (Satgas Ciliwung) plays a crucial role in educating residents about waste management and promoting sustainable practices. They encourage residents to sort their waste at home and provide guidance on how to utilize it effectively.
Waste Sorting and Processing
Collected waste from RT 05 is transported to the Bantar Kemang TPST (temporary storage facility) for further sorting, cleaning, and drying of plastic. Syawal, the Supervisor of TPST Bantar Kemang, explains that they focus on processing plastic waste with economic value, while organic and residual waste are currently sent to the TPA (final disposal site).
Transforming Low-Value Plastic into Useful Products
The TPS3R Mekarwangi (waste treatment and recycling facility) is equipped with a machine that converts low-value plastic into components for other products. Currently, they are collaborating with PT Jauhar Hidromekatron to create infiltration wells using this technology.
Changing Mindsets and Building a Sustainable Future
Denni Wismanto, Head of the Bogor City Environmental Service, emphasizes the importance of proper waste management at the source. He believes that involving various stakeholders and implementing effective strategies can significantly reduce the amount of waste reaching the TPA.
Scaling Up the Solution and Achieving Long-Term Impact
The success of the PSC program in Bogor City can serve as a model for other cities worldwide. By promoting collaboration, innovation, and behavioral change, we can move towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.
Key Challenges and Opportunities
Een Irawan Putra, Secretary of Satgas Ciliwung, highlights the need for further support, including policies, legal frameworks, and financial assistance, to scale up the program and achieve its full potential.
Bogor as a Best Practice in Waste Management
Bogor City has emerged as a best practice in waste management, showcasing the potential for effective collaboration and innovative solutions to address the global challenge of plastic pollution.
Urgent Need for Regulation on Single-Use Plastic
Andik from WWF Indonesia emphasizes the urgency of a mayoral regulation (Perwali) to curb the use of single-use plastic. He argues that limiting plastic bags alone is no longer sufficient to address the permasalahan in Ciliwung River. A comprehensive regulation targeting all single-use plastic is needed.
Low Public Awareness of Environmental Issues
The lack of public awareness towards environmental issues in Bogor City is a significant challenge. Despite the efforts of the Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force in reducing waste accumulation, much work remains to be done.
Strong Support from the Military
The Indonesian Army (TNI) has expressed strong support for environmental protection. Suharja from TNI AD highlights the importance of a clean environment for public well-being and economic recovery. He emphasizes that neglecting waste management can lead to serious problems.
Collaboration and Innovation to Address Growing Challenges
Idan from PT Jauhar Hidromekatron acknowledges the growing environmental challenges in Bogor City. With a rising population, the city is facing an increasing number of environmental issues. The younger generation must be equipped to tackle these challenges and learn from past mistakes.
Consistency Key to Long-Term Success
Denni Wismanto, Head of the Bogor City Environmental Service, stresses the importance of consistency in waste management efforts. He asserts that any investment, whether in human resources, nature, or infrastructure, will be futile without consistent implementation.