Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto inaugurated the Mekarwangi Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (MRF3R) Waste Management Site together with WWF Indonesia and Rekam Nusantara Foundation?

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Friday (22/11/23), the inauguration of the Mekarwangi Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (MRF3R) Waste Management Site took place in the presence of Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto, Head of Bogor City Environmental Office Denni Wismanto, Head of Public Works & Spatial Planning Office Rena Da Frina, Sareal Sareal Land Sub-District Sahib Khan, Mekarwangi Sub-District Wildan Rayhan, WWF Indonesia Footprint Lead Tri Agung Rooswadji, Executive Director of Rekam Nusantara Foundation Een Irawan Putra, PT Jauhar Hidromekatron, Sumpah Sampah and Satgas Naturalization Ciliwung Bogor City.

MRF3R Mekarwangi is one of the MRF3R in Bogor City located in Tanah Sareal District, Mekarwangi Village RT/01 RW/01 with a total of around 350 Family and is an area prioritized by the Regional Asset Agency as a place to be used as MRF3R.

The principle of MRF3R Mekarwangi is to reduce rejected plastic waste that has no economic value into useful alternative products and its main purpose is to change the behavior of the community around the banks of the Ciliwung river and facilitate waste management into products, not disposing of waste at the Galuga Final Processing Site (Landfill).

Waste is a problem, but if you have a concept and collaborate it will be a blessing.

Bima explained, people who work here will get better income from waste management in this region, because there is an economic logic that works. So for all residents who see garbage as a problem, over time the problem will become a blessing.

There are differences between Mekarwangi MRF3R compared to other MRF3R differences, this place specializes in handling waste management that has been disaggregated by priority RTs.

Starting from an empty land of 1000 m, it was built into a 2-storey building. The first floor is used as a production area which includes sorting areas, chopping areas and lubrication areas. While the second floor is the office of the supervisor and the Garbage Oath team who are conducting research and meetings.

MRF3R Mekarwangi was built from October 2022 to January 2023. Construction took only 3 months and began operations in August 2023.

"This is an example of collaboration in waste management, now we encourage it to be a good practice that can provide an example for other villages," said Bima.The more successful the change in an area driven by sub-districts and sub-districts, the more effective the process will be, he added.

MRF3R Mekarwangi produces blocks, boards and rafters with a maximum processing capacity of 800 kg / day. The production target is to produce 6 packages, 1 package containing 13 boards, 12 rafters and 2 covering boards in 1 day. 

The facilities and infrastructure available at MRF3R Mekarwangi include machines as technology to convert plastic waste into products and cars as waste transporters.

WWF Indonesia Footprint Lead Tri Agung said "We from WWF are very impressed and appreciate Bogor City for building this MRF3R activity and we hope this will be an example for other cities in plastic management".

Plastic waste processed at MRF3R Mekarwangi comes from 60 priority RTs accompanied by the Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force of Bogor City. The 60 priority RTs come from East Bogor, Central Bogor, North Bogor and Tanah Sareal. Previously, 1 Task Force team accompanied 1 priority RT, but now 1 Task Force person holds 1 priority RT.

The Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force of Bogor City has existed since October 2018 which began with the initiation of the Ciliwung Care Community (KPC) movement which eventually encouraged Bima Mayor Arya Sugiarto to form the Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force of Bogor City.

"The task force plays a role in changing people's behavior, especially when it is on the banks of Ciliwung so that they no longer throw garbage into the river," said Een.

The inauguration ceremony ended with the handover of assistance from Plastic Smart Cities Bogor City through the Rekam Nusantara Foundation in the form of 1 unit of pickup car to support plastic waste sorting in encouraging changes for the community related to waste management to the Bogor City Environmental Agency.

MRF3R Mekarwangi collaborates with Sumpah Sampah which has a technological machine that can turn plastic waste into products, Bogor City Regional Government which has land assets for development; and the Bogor City Environmental Office which obtains land assets from the Bogor City Regional Government.

An MoU has been carried out between Rekam Nusantara Foundation and the Bogor City Environmental Office in the field of waste management starting in 2022 for 3 years until 2025. The building operations and management of MRF3R Mekarwangi are held by Rekam Nusantara Foundation.

This is a step to strengthen the commitment to integrated waste management after Bogor City declared Plastic Smart Cities on August 27, 2021.

The concrete form of this collaboration is MRF3R Mekarwangi producing beams, boards and rafters purchased by PT Jauhar Hidromekatron to be used as infiltration wells and PT Rimba Makmur Utama to be used as bridges or patrol roads, monitoring, and peatland ecotourism.

Bima asked that momentum like this must be utilized and maximized. Agencies must move quickly to map to become users, then must also be adjusted to other buyer options in order to succeed. When it is successful, it will be easily duplicated to others.***

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