Since the start of the waste segregation education program in August 2024, we are now visiting the selected schools again, to discuss with the school boards and committees the achievements of the education program that has been implemented. One of the schools we visited was located near the Ciliwung River, and we saw great results: 241 kg of inorganic waste has been collected and sorted properly, without polluting the Ciliwung River.
This collaboration is a joint effort between Rekam Nusantara - Urban Sustainability, the Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force, Plastic Smart Cities, and the assisted schools. The inorganic waste collected over the past three months was finally taken to the Mekarwangi Plastic Waste Recycling Center for further processing.
Waste Sorting Process at School
“Waste segregation is done based on type; organic, inorganic, and residue. In particular, we assist students to sort inorganic waste, such as plastics that are rejected or have low value,” said Irwan, the Rekam Nusantara communication team.
The education provided to student environmental ambassadors in selected schools was immediately applied by them, which then inspired other friends to participate. This also strengthens the commitment of schools and teachers in supporting waste segregation efforts in the classroom.
As part of this program, we also provide special orange bags for inorganic waste. The collected waste will be brought to the Ciliwung Task Force area before being further processed at the Mekarwangi MRF.
Support from Lunchbox Program
Not only that, we also introduced the lunchbox program to support students' enthusiasm in separating waste at school. With this lunchbox program, children are more motivated to bring their own lunchboxes, which in turn helps reduce single-use plastic waste in the school environment.
“We are greatly helped by Rekam Nusantara's friends and the Ciliwung Task Force. Children become more enthusiastic about separating their waste at school,” said Zay, the Environmental Ambassador coach of SMPN 11 Bogor City.
An Uneasy, Yet Necessary Step
Indeed, it is not easy to achieve success in waste segregation in schools. However, this effort is very important to optimize waste segregation, not only in schools, but also in the community. From face-to-face education with students, mentoring by Satgas Ciliwung, visits to waste management sites, to the support of interactive media and food and drink stations for 30 selected students, all of these support each other to ensure the success of the waste sorting program.
With close cooperation between various parties and strong commitment from all elements of the school, this step is expected to be an example for other schools to participate in efforts to reduce plastic waste and protect the environment, especially the Ciliwung River.