MPTP: A Commitment to Safeguarding the Ancestral Mandate of the Land of Papua

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Manokwari (18/07) - A significant achievement has been made in West Papua with the establishment of the Integrated Management of the Crown Jewel of Papua Landscape (MPTP). This collaborative effort brings together the West Papua Provincial Government and the West Papua Daya Provincial Government to protect one of the world's most diverse tropical rainforests.

Covering an area of 2.3 million hectares, MPTP is home to numerous unique plant and animal species that are not found anywhere else. Its dense forests, swamps, and coastal ecosystems support an extraordinary range of biodiversity. However, these natural treasures are under threat from deforestation, mining, and climate change.

The MPTP declaration brings new hope to indigenous communities that have coexisted with nature in the region for centuries. Through joint management, they are expected to actively participate in forest conservation while improving their economic well-being. The local government is committed to involving indigenous communities in decision-making and ensuring fair access to natural resources.

Yet, there are significant challenges to be overcome. There is strong pressure from various parties to exploit the region's natural resources, and climate change poses a threat to the survival of the MPTP ecosystem. Addressing these challenges requires strong collaboration between the government, indigenous communities, the private sector, and research institutions.

The MPTP management program must be carefully planned, taking into account social, economic, and environmental factors. Indigenous communities must be central to the planning and implementation process. Furthermore, substantial investment is needed in law enforcement and monitoring to prevent illegal activities such as logging and poaching.

The success of managing MPTP is not only crucial for Papua but also for the global community. Tropical rainforests play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide and regulating the global climate. By safeguarding MPTP, we contribute to addressing the climate crisis.

The MPTP declaration marks a positive first step. However, the journey towards sustainable forest management is still long. We all have a role to play in ensuring that the Crown Jewel of Papua is preserved for future generations.

Don't miss the incredible documentary series #Merekam Mahkota Permata Tanah Papua on the Indonesia Nature Film Society YouTube channel. Watch it now:

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